Mature makeup is a whitespace opportunity that has been overlooked for far too long. In a study done on AARP, 61% of women agreed with the statement, “I am beautiful at any age,” yet a striking number of women said that they don’t see themselves realistically portrayed in the media. Additionally, in another AARP survey, 1,992 women were surveyed and 40% of Gen X and 53% of Boomers said they felt ignored by the beauty industry.

It’s about time we celebrate and embrace the unique beauty and challenges that come with growing older. This blog post will discuss the rise of mature makeup and explore emerging opportunities for brands.


As we age, our skin goes through various changes that can affect the way makeup looks and performs on our face. Many women over 50 have difficulty finding makeup that meets these specific needs and concerns.

However, mainstream beauty brands have largely overlooked the mature makeup market, despite this growing need. This presents a significant whitespace opportunity for brands looking to tap into this lucrative market.

Demographic shift: The global population is aging at an unprecedented rate. By 2030, 1 out of every 6 people globally will be 60 years old or above, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The population aged 80 years or older will triple between 2020 and 2050, reaching 426 million by 2050. As more women reach this age, there is a higher need for cosmetics that meet their skincare and beauty needs.

Purchasing power: Older consumers have significant purchasing power. Americans aged 50 and above contributed $8.3 trillion to the economy, as per AARP's "The Longevity Economy" report. The older market possesses significant financial resources that can contribute to the growth of the beauty industry presenting a favorable opportunity for businesses to generate profits.

Changing beauty standards: Another factor driving the growth of the mature makeup market is evolving beauty standards. In recent years, there has been a shift in the perception of aging and beauty. Many women over 50 are embracing their natural beauty and rejecting societal pressures to look younger. As a result, people desire makeup that enhances and celebrates mature skin, rather than hiding it.

Specialized needs: As we age, our skin goes through various changes such as thinning, dryness, and loss of elasticity. These changes can make it challenging to find makeup products that work well on mature skin.

For example, traditional foundation may settle into fine lines and wrinkles, or not be hydrating enough. This creates a need for specialized makeup formulations that cater to the needs of mature skin.


The term "anti-aging" is commonly used in the beauty industry to refer to products that attempt to slow down or reverse the aging process. However, it becomes clear that this term is problematic and outdated.

"Anti-aging" promotes ageism by suggesting that aging is something negative, and this mindset reinforces the belief that youthfulness is the only desirable state, leading to discrimination against older individuals who are seen as less valuable or attractive. This impacts people's self-perception and creates a narrow definition of beauty, excluding those who don't conform.

Moreover, the idea of being "anti-aging" sets unrealistic expectations for both women and men. It feeds into society's obsession with eternal youth and promotes the idea that one must look young to be considered beautiful. This not only puts pressure on older individuals but also ignores their unique experiences in favor of maintaining a youthful appearance.

The whitespace opportunity is not just about creating new products, but also about changing the narrative around aging and beauty. It's about recognizing that beauty doesn't diminish with age, but rather evolves. By creating products that cater to the needs of mature skin and promoting a more inclusive and positive view of aging, brands can not only tap into this lucrative market but also contribute to a more inclusive and empowering beauty industry.


In recent years, the beauty industry has seen a significant shift towards inclusivity which not only includes representation of different skin tones and body types, but also age groups. The rise of age-inclusive beauty has been a long-awaited movement in the industry, as consumers are demanding products that cater to all ages and stages of life.

Traditionally, most beauty products are marketed towards younger demographics, leaving older individuals feeling ignored and unrepresented. However, with changing attitudes towards aging and increased visibility of older models and celebrities in the media, brands have started to recognize the importance of catering to this demographic.

One brand that has recognized the whitespace opportunity for mature makeup is Laura Geller. Founded in 1997, Laura Geller is a makeup brand that prides itself on creating products that enhance natural beauty and cater to all skin types and ages. In recent years, the brand has expanded its offerings to include products specifically designed for mature skin.

Brands that expand their product lines to include more age-inclusive options as well as shift marketing to be more inclusive of mature individuals, including featuring older models in advertisements as well as using messaging that celebrates aging rather than trying to conceal it, will succeed in this area.


From fine lines and wrinkles to dryness and dullness, mature skin requires extra care and attention. However, when it comes to makeup, the conversation often revolves around hiding these signs of aging rather than promoting skin wellness.

Skin wellness takes older women into consideration and designs products that meet their skin concerns and preferences. While some may argue that this is just another marketing ploy to sell more products, there is a significant need for these formulations.

One major reason why focusing on skin wellness is crucial for mature consumers is that traditional cosmetics may not provide the desired results on aging skin. Typical formulas for younger skin can lay differently on mature skin, resulting in a cakey or patchy finish.

Additionally, many mature women also face issues with sensitive or reactive skin as they get older. Harsh ingredients commonly found in traditional makeup products can cause irritation and exacerbate any underlying conditions such as rosacea or eczema. By shifting the focus towards skincare-infused formulas, mature makeup brands can cater to this demographic's needs.

Skin wellness for mature skin also considers the need for multi-functional products. The inclusion of ingredients like SPF, or vitamins and minerals goes above and beyond to protect the skin and nourish it while providing the desired effect of the product.

Streamlining beauty routines is something that mature-aged women can appreciate because they receive multiple benefits in less amounts of time.


As the population continues to age, the demand for specialized products that cater to the unique needs of mature skin is on the rise and brands can position themselves at the forefront of this niche. With the added allure of time-saving solutions and a focus on enhancing the natural beauty of aging skin, brands have the potential to not only meet but exceed the expectations of discerning consumers.

By embracing this whitespace opportunity and investing in research and development tailored to mature skin, brands can cultivate a loyal customer base and establish themselves as trailblazers in this ever-evolving industry.
